Street Fighter is a fighting video game franchise developed and published by Capcom, which is also commonly abbreviated as SF. The very first game in the series was released in the year 1987, followed by five other main series games, various crossovers and spin-offs and numerous appearances in various other media. The best-selling franchise of the series was released in 1991 and was called Street Fighter II. It is credited for establishing many of the conventions of the one-on-one fighting genre. Street Fighter serves as one of the company's flagship series and is one of the highest-grossing video game franchises of all time with total sales for the series being 43 million units all around the world, as of June 30, 2019. The main games have introduced a much varying cast into video game lore having around seventy characters, in addition to that, around another twenty in spin-off games. The playable characters of the game originate from different countries around the world where each comes with a unique fighting style. Street Fighter II is the best selling game in the series. Various versions of the game have grossed over 10 billion dollars in inflation-adjusted revenue, mostly from arcades and the video game console ports which sold more than 14 million cartridges for the Mega Drive/Genesis and Super NES platforms.
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Street Fighter Ii Transparent Background Format: PNG Resolution: 465x237 Size: 16.5KB Downloads: 372
Street Fighter Ii Transparent Picture Format: PNG Resolution: 309x630 Size: 252.9KB Downloads: 354